Crate finitediff

Expand description

This crate contains a wide range of methods for the calculation of gradients, Jacobians and Hessians using forward and central differences. The methods have been implemented for input vectors of the type Vec<f64> and ndarray::Array1<f64>. Central differences are more accurate but require more evaluations of the cost function and are therefore computationally more expensive.


Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright (2006). Numerical Optimization. Springer. ISBN 0-387-30303-0.


Add this to your dependencies section of Cargo.toml:

finitediff = "0.1.4"

To use the FiniteDiff trait implementations on the ndarray types, please activate the ndarray feature:

finitediff = { version = "0.1.4", features = ["ndarray"] }


§Calculation of the gradient

This section illustrates the computation of a gradient of a function f at a point x of type Vec<f64>. Using forward differences requires n+1 evaluations of the function f while central differences requires 2*n evaluations.

§For Vec<f64>

use finitediff::vec;

// Define function `f(x)`
let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<f64, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

// Point at which gradient should be calculated
let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0];

// Calculate gradient of `f` at `x` using forward differences
let g_forward = vec::forward_diff(&f);
let grad_forward = g_forward(&x)?;

// Calculate gradient of `f` at `x` using central differences
let g_central = vec::central_diff(&f);
let grad_central = g_central(&x)?;

§For ndarray::Array1<f64>

use ndarray::{array, Array1};
use finitediff::ndarr;

// Define cost function `f(x)`
let f = |x: &Array1<f64>| -> Result<f64, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

// Point at which gradient should be calculated
let x = array![1.0f64, 1.0];

// Calculate gradient of `f` at `x` using forward differences
let g_forward = ndarr::forward_diff(&f);
let grad_forward = g_forward(&x)?;

// Calculate gradient of `f` at `x` using central differences
let g_central = ndarr::central_diff(&f);
let grad_central = g_central(&x)?;

§Calculation of the Jacobian

Note that the same interface is also implemented for ndarray::Array1<f64> (not shown).

§Full Jacobian

The calculation of the full Jacobian requires n+1 evaluations of the function f.

use finitediff::vec;

let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<Vec<f64>, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

// Using forward differences
let j_forward = vec::forward_jacobian(&f);
let jacobian_forward = j_forward(&x)?;

// Using central differences
let j_central = vec::central_jacobian(&f);
let jacobian_central = j_central(&x)?;

§Product of the Jacobian J(x) with a vector p

Directly computing J(x)*p can be much more efficient than computing J(x) first and then multiplying it with p. While computing the full Jacobian J(x) requires n+1 evaluations of f, J(x)*p only requires 2.

use finitediff::vec;

let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<Vec<f64>, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
let p = vec![1.0f64, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0];

// using forward differences
let j_forward = vec::forward_jacobian_vec_prod(&f);
let jacobian_forward = j_forward(&x, &p)?;

// using central differences
let j_central = vec::central_jacobian_vec_prod(&f);
let jacobian_central = j_central(&x, &p)?;

§Sparse Jacobian

If the Jacobian is sparse its structure can be exploited using perturbation vectors. See Nocedal & Wright for details.

use finitediff::{vec, PerturbationVector};

let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<Vec<f64>, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

let pert = vec![
        .add(0, vec![0, 1])
        .add(3, vec![2, 3, 4]),
        .add(1, vec![0, 1, 2])
        .add(4, vec![3, 4, 5]),
        .add(2, vec![1, 2, 3])
        .add(5, vec![4, 5]),

// using forward differences
let j_forward = vec::forward_jacobian_pert(&f);
let jacobian_forward = j_forward(&x, &pert)?;

// using central differences
let j_central = vec::central_jacobian_pert(&f);
let jacobian_central = j_central(&x, &pert)?;

§Calculation of the Hessian

Note that the same interface is also implemented for ndarray::Array1<f64> (not shown).

§Full Hessian

use finitediff::vec;

let g = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<Vec<f64>, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

// using forward differences
let h_forward = vec::forward_hessian(&g);
let hessian_forward = h_forward(&x)?;

// using central differences
let h_central = vec::central_hessian(&g);
let hessian_central = h_central(&x)?;

§Product of the Hessian H(x) with a vector p

use finitediff::vec;

let g = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<Vec<f64>, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
let p = vec![2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];

// using forward differences
let h_forward = vec::forward_hessian_vec_prod(&g);
let hessian_forward = h_forward(&x, &p)?;

// using forward differences
let h_central = vec::central_hessian_vec_prod(&g);
let hessian_central = h_central(&x, &p)?;

§Calculation of the Hessian without knowledge of the gradient

use finitediff::vec;

let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<f64, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

let h = vec::forward_hessian_nograd(&f);
let hessian = h(&x)?;

§Calculation of the sparse Hessian without knowledge of the gradient

use finitediff::vec;

let f = |x: &Vec<f64>| -> Result<f64, anyhow::Error> {
    // ...

let x = vec![1.0f64, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];

// Indices at which the Hessian should be evaluated. All other
// elements of the Hessian will be zero
let indices = vec![[1, 1], [2, 3], [3, 3]];

let h = vec::forward_hessian_nograd_sparse(&f);
let hessian = h(&x, indices)?;



Type Aliases§